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Home Support PreAmplifier PreAmplifier v2.0 firmware update

PreAmplifier v2.0 firmware update

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This page describes how to update the software used in the modular Preamplifier v2.0. The PreampController uses the Tiny PIC bootloader to make upgrading the firmware easy. When it starts up, the bootloader is first started and reads the UART port for 1s. If a specific command is received, the bootloader enters the firmware upgrade process. If nothing is received, the normal preamp software is started. If the firmware upgrade process fails for some reason, it can usually simply be repeated by rebooting the PreampController and starting over again.

Updating the firmware can be done from Linux (Raspberry Pi, native Linux computer) or Windows.

The firmware upgrade process is meant as a service to the customer. It is unlikely, but when the firmware upgrade process fails, the bootloader may become corrupt and the procedure can not be repeated. In that case, the bootloader needs to be installed again. I can not take responsibility for the additional (shipping) costs that brings.



Firmware update from Linux (or Raspberry Pi)

To upgrade the firmware from Linux, the UnixTinyBootloaderLoader binary (utbll) is needed. Also the firmware file (DjukePreampV2.hex) is needed. Firmware upgrade process is started with the following command.

./utbll -d /dev/ttyAMA0 -b 115200 -f DjukePreampV2.hex

Again, from linux with USB-serial use the corresponding /dev/ttyUSB0 device. If everything goes fine, the output will be similar to:

Loading hex file
Hex file OK

Please (re)boot the microcontroller now!!
[Identification try #1] Ok

[Found] 18F2620/18F4620

Send hex file to microcontroller
[0xf900 - 0xf93f] OK
Patch the bootloader to start the program
[0xff38 - 0xff77] OK
[SendHex succesfully] DjukePreampV2.hex

Firmware update from Windows

The Windows GUI for the firmware update can be installed from the Tiny PIC bootloader site. Install it using the instructions from the site. Then choose the firmware file (DjukePreampV2.hex) and select the correct COM port and baudrate (115200).

Laatst aangepast op vrijdag, 08 april 2016 10:52  

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