Djuke - DIY Audio

build your own audio equipment

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Dutch VAT increased from 19% to 21%

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Effective from October 1st 2012, the dutch VAT rate increased from 19% to 21%. As a result of this, shown prices on the website have changed. Slight modifications are expected in the coming time to round off the prices.

Laatst aangepast op zondag, 30 september 2012 21:19

Added proposed mounting layout for a stereo mosfet amp

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A proposed mounting layout for a stereo version of the mosfet power amplifier project has been added.


New project: 20W LM1875 chipamp

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A new project has been added: my first chipamp, which is a low power LM1875 based chipamp to be used near my pc. Measurement results are available, which shows the chipamp does not quite reach the typical numbers in the datasheet.

Laatst aangepast op woensdag, 11 mei 2011 11:04

New project: PIC-based speaker protection

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A new project has been added to the web site: A Pic-based speaker protection circuit. With this project you can project your precious speakers in the case of DC voltage on the amplifier output, amplifier instability and over temperature.

Laatst aangepast op donderdag, 24 maart 2011 22:56

Verzendkosten kosten afhankelijk van gewicht

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De S&H kosten zijn nu afhankelijk van het gewicht en daarmee komen ze beter overeen met de werkelijke kosten. Hierdoor zijn de S&H kosten voor een order met kleine componenten die door de brievenbus passen nog lager.

De precieze kosten staan in de volgende tabel:

Bestemming/Max gewicht 0.25kg 0.5kg 2kg 10kg 20kg
Nederland 2,- 3,- 3,- 7.50 n/a
EU 4,- 7.50 9.50 n/a n/a
Wereld 6,- 11,- 17,- n/a


Noot: Alle bedragen in EUR

Laatst aangepast op donderdag, 24 februari 2011 23:12

Pagina 2 van 4

Waarom Djuke - Zelfbouwaudio?

  • Kwaliteitsontwerpen en producten
  • Snelle levering
  • Lage S/H, afhankelijk van gewicht
  • S/H onder 0.25kg: NL 2,- EU 4,- Wereld 6,-
  • Geen BTW voor klanten buiten EU

Important information!

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From 1st January 2020, the Djuke webshop received a major upgrade and can now be found at:
Orders can only be handled from the new webshop. Not all products are yet transferred, so the old catalogus is left as a reference. Please let me know if you would like to order products that are not yet present in the new webshop.


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