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Home Products Transistors



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2N5401 transistor

2N5401 PNP bipolar transistor
[Product Details...]

€0.11 (including 21 % tax)

2N5551 transistor

2N5551 NPN bipolar transistor
[Product Details...]

€0.11 (including 21 % tax)

2SC2240 transistor

2SC2240 NPN bipolar transistor
[Product Details...]

€0.36 (including 21 % tax)

2SK246-Y n-jfet

2SK246-Y n-jfet transistor
[Product Details...]

€0.48 (including 21 % tax)

BC327 transistor

BC327 PNP bipolar transistor
[Product Details...]

€0.10 (including 21 % tax)

BC337 transistor

BC337 NPN bipolar transistor
[Product Details...]

€0.10 (including 21 % tax)

BC550 transistor (per 10)

BC550 NPN bipolar transistor
[Product Details...]

€0.61 (including 21 % tax)

BC560 transistor (per 10)

BC560 PNP bipolar transistor
[Product Details...]

€0.61 (including 21 % tax)

BD139 transistor

BD139 NPN bipolar transistor
[Product Details...]

€0.30 (including 21 % tax)

BD140 transistor

BD140 PNP bipolar transistor
[Product Details...]

€0.30 (including 21 % tax)

MJE2955 power transistor

MJE2955 PNP bipolar power transistor
[Product Details...]

€0.85 (including 21 % tax)

MJE3055 power transistor

MJE3055 NPN bipolar power transistor
[Product Details...]

€0.73 (including 21 % tax)

MJE340 transistor

MJE340 NPN bipolar transistor
[Product Details...]

€0.36 (including 21 % tax)

MJE350 transistor

MJE350 PNP bipolar transistor
[Product Details...]

€0.36 (including 21 % tax)

Transistor matching fee

Transistor matching fee (applied once for each matched serie)
[Product Details...]

€5.00 (including 21 % tax)

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Last Updated: Saturday, 29 March 2025 06:16

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