Djuke - DIY Audio

build your own audio equipment

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Home Info Terms of Service

Terms of Service

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These terms of service are applicable to all orders for products or services sold by Djuke - DIY Audio owned by Menno de Graaf (hereafter named Djuke). Other terms of service are overruled by these terms unless explicitly agreed between seller and buyer.

Payment and delivery

Payment has to be done in advance. Goods will be shipped as soon as I have confirmed that the payment has been received.


All designs and articles on this site are made by Djuke unless stated otherwise. I believe them to be either original, in the public domain or they can be considered as common knowledge and therefore I think it is useful to share them with DIY audio enthousiasts. You are only allowed to use them for personal use. No commercial use is allowed without the author's permission. The projects and articles presented may not be copied to other sites or re-published in whole or in part in any form whatsoever whether electronic or otherwise without the author's permission.


It is the buyers responsibility to verify that a design on this site is useful or relevant for its particular purpose. Building the designs on this site requires basic knowledge of electronics.


The information and products on this site are provided "as is". Djuke may not be held responsible for any errors or omissions in the information provided. Even though they are believed to be error-free, this can never be guaranteed. It is reasonable to assume that mistakes or other errors will occur from time to time. Djuke can not be held responsible for the failure of any project described to operate as described, loss or destruction of components or any other loss whether direct or consequential including loss of life or personal injury even if Djuke has been informed previously of any error. If errors are found, please contact me and describe the error (and its consequences) so that corrections may be made to keep the information on this site accurate.


Use these designs at your own risk. You should only use them if you know what you are doing, which especially applies if you are constructing equipment that involves high voltages or mains wiring. I can not take responsibility for any loss, injury or death that results from actions of not suitably qualified people.

Closing matters
  • Address information provided by the buyer should be correct and complete
  • Djuke does not sell or give away information about buyer unless enforced by Law
  • Djuke reserves the right to change prices without notice
  • Djuke recommends that you review the information in any design and verify it thoroughly before making use of it
  • Djuke reserves the right to refuse an order under specification of reason (e.g. due to pricing errors)
Last Updated on Wednesday, 02 March 2011 17:53  

Important information!

From 1st January 2020, the Djuke webshop received a major upgrade and can now be found at:
Orders can only be handled from the new webshop. Not all products are yet transferred, so the old catalogus is left as a reference. Please let me know if you would like to order products that are not yet present in the new webshop.


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